After Our Wedding, the Long Wait for Winnie’s Visa
This continues the saga of our (Winnie and mine) Internet Romance and Marriage. Falling in love and marrying via Internet proved a lot easier than getting her visa to join me in America.
By the time I left China after our wedding I was about as exhausted, physically and emotionally, as I’d been in many years. The jet lag of a 13 hours time change, the different climate, food, all the constant traveling, never knowing what was going on (due to my lack of language skills), and getting married besides just did me in.
A Letter to Columist David Broder
While this may be a few days late, I’ve finally had time to respond to Columnist David Broder’s offensive and idiotic comments in his February 6 column. For those few who missed it, Broder wrote a column about the recent DNC conference where all ten 2008 presidential contenders spoke.
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Dave Broder Letters To Writers Military Politics Wesley Clark