Tag: <span>Politics</span>

The United States Capitol aka the Capitol building. Washington DC, United States
The United States Capitol Building

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Way back in Elementary school civics classes, I learned the supposed genius of American government was “checks and balances.” That the separate but equal branches of our government, Legislative, Executive and Judicial, would guard each other against overreach. In theory, if one branch attempted to take actions in violation of our constitution, the other branches would block those actions.

But, recent events have shown that those checks and balances only work if government officials actually take action. So, today, I wrote another letter to my senator asking why he even bothers to come to work.

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Music Inside with a YouTube Video
Music Inside

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

The news coming out of Washington these past two weeks has been truly horrifying. We have revelation after revelation from the January 6 committee on how close we came to a successful autocoup. Then we have numerous “legal decisions” handed down by our supreme court taking away our civil liberties and making America a more dangerous place to live.

I cannot be snarky about any of this. But I can be angry. I do believe I’ve found a song that expresses my true feelings.

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A Beautiful Mind - Eye with Rainbow
A Beautiful Mind

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

I’ve been struggling for several weeks to write a snarky post on the latest right-wing horror show of attacking schools, teachers, and books. But I can’t. Quite honestly, I cannot find anything snarky or humourous in this latest attack on what should be the foundation of our American culture.

This latest outrage comes upon six continuous years of outrages driven by The Former Guy (TFG). I don’t know if I’ve become worn down by continuous right-wing obscenity, or just numbed. Reading the news about horrific laws being pushed in Republican-controlled state capitols has taken on a surrealistic feeling. And not in a good way.

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Note: This post was submitted by guest writer Almishti, and published as a show of support of this writer’s position.

In response to police actions on UC campuses; This is my open letter to chancellor Blumenthal of the University of California, Santa Cruz, on Occupy UC Davis. 

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Occupy Wall Street September 30 2011 - File Photo
Occupy Wall Street September 30 2011 – File Photo

I’ve watched the “Occupy Wall Street” movement from the start, and can’t help but being impressed with the way the protesters have handled themselves.  For the most part, they have conducted themselves with exemplary behavior.  However, the same cannot be said for the local governments and police departments.  Aside from New York, the worse is the City of Oakland, California.

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Killing Healthcare
Killing Healthcare

It was just last year that we as a nation had a vicious and bitter “debate,” more properly called a descent into insanity, over whether we should have some semblance of pretending to create a national health care policy.  I did my part in debating the position of sanity and compassion in the reader’s comments section of our local rag, now called “Inside NOVA.com.”  What I remember most from this experience was just how vicious and selfishly mean the Republican side of the argument was.

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Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

I wrote this column in August, with the intention of submitting it as freelance to our local newspaper “InsideNoVA.com.”  I never submitted it, as a result of my previous submission on the immigration resolution not being published.  Perhaps I should have anyway, but I can also use the excuse that Winnie and I were just too busy in the final throes of rebuilding our second property.

So, for your reading pleasure, the first time in publication ever, you can read my thoughts on taxes.

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Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Back on December 28, 2008, I had my latest letter to the editor (LTE) published in our local newspaper the Potomac News.  This letter was a rebuttal and answer to our local columnist James Simpson.  Mr. Simpson subsequently promised a rebuttal to my answer, and this week he did just that.

Not much of a surprise there, but what did pleasantly surprise me was his tone.  He actually wrote a respectful response laying out his opinions without any hint of mocking me.

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Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

After a long pause from writing Letters to the Editor (LTE) I jumped back into the fray last week.  The occasion of my return to poking local conservatives was being directly challenged by a local columnist.  It seems even my on-line comments are enough to annoy our conservative writers.

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