A Dog Catching The Car

Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait
Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A few years ago, during the depths of our Covid 19 pandemic, I published a post on Republicans being careful what they wished for. That specific post was how, by destroying the moderate left of center politician Hillary Clinton during her Presidential run, Republicans destroyed their own futures.

Now, we once again have a serious case of “careful what you wish for” by the Republican Party. This time, with more burn and Karma on steroids. I’m talking about President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential campaign after Republican operatives, including their friends in our so-called liberal media, have pilloried Biden as being too old to be President.

Republicans are like the dog who just caught a car and don’t know what to do next.

Current News

For the past several years, the entire schick of Republican propaganda was “Biden is too old to be president. Vote for the guy who’s three years younger.” As the younger presidential candidate racked up civil lawsuit convictions for rape, and felony convictions for election tampering and fraud, Republican attacks on Biden ramped up to 20. To add to the fun, Republicans encouraged their friends owning media outlets to focus 7/24 on how Biden was too old to be president for another four years.

Biden didn’t help matters by having a total brain freeze in the recent presidential debate that he pushed for. But, what he unleashed was like throwing chum into shark-infested waters. For the past three weeks we’ve been exposed to non-stop over-the-top coverage of how old Biden is. I guess “BENGAZI!” and “Her Emails!” are so yesterday.

Where We Are Now

So, today, here we are. Still-President Joe Biden heard the clamoring cries of outrage over his age, took a hard look at polling that showed way too many Voting-Americans want a younger candidate for President, and stepped down. Suddenly, we do have a younger Democratic candidate for President. The disgraced twice-impeached convicted felon insurrection-leading Republican candidate is now the old man running for President.

Given that Trump is now the oldest person ever running for President, I expect the same media who focused 24/7 on Biden being old will focus 24/7 on Trump being old. Ok, yes, that is funny. But in an alternate universe that could happen. Just not this one.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is sputtering on empty. Their operatives have spent years fine-tuning attacks on Biden. In fact, they spent so much time focusing on attacking Biden, they neglected something usually considered important for a presidential campaign. They neglected to formulate any policies to run on that normal Americans would support.

Project 2025

The only policies Republicans have to run on revolve around Project 2025. This is a 900-page right-wing wet dream of rebuilding a Democratic form of Government into an autocratic winner-take-all, complete with:

  • A spoils system for civil servants, last practiced in 19th century America and by modern corrupt banana-republics today.
  • Federal nationwide total ban on abortion and women’s healthcare. Because State’s Rights just doesn’t cut it when half the states don’t agree with banning abortion and women’s healthcare.
  • Eliminate Social Security, Veteran’s benefits, and public education.
  • Privatize all aspects of Government that can be turned into profit-centers for well-connected right-wing business interests.

And so much more. In short, Project 2025 as a policy for the next Trump/Republican administration is about as popular as herpes. With Biden out Republicans have nothing else. Nothing except an old, creepy-looking man who can no longer talk in complete sentences. Republicans have a Presidential candidate best-known for his catchphrase “Grab ’em by the pussy.”

Careful What You Wish For

Republicans have spent years bashing Biden as being too old to be President. Well, yesterday, Biden proved Republicans correct by stepping down for the good of the country, so a younger person would be free to run for President of the United States. It just so happens that younger person is an accomplished politician and former state Attorney General daughter of Indian/Black immigrants by the name of Kamala Harris. Republicans got what they wished for, and now they don’t know what to do next.

I’m sorry to see President Joe Biden step down. But, I’m also happy to see Vice President Kamala Harris step up as our Democratic Candidate. I think she’ll make an excellent 47th President of the United States.

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