Author: <span>Ron Charest</span>

Flying Mail
Flying Mail

Back in March, on the fifth anniversary of our invasion of Iraq, Slate Magazine asked a number of writers who originally supported the war to answer the question, “Why did we get it wrong?”  One writer who answered, and published his answer in form of his regular column, was Andrew Sullivan.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

I’ve just had another of my continuing series of Letters to the Editor published in yesterday’s “The Potomac News. This letter was another in my recent series of taking on the anti-Hispanic-immigration crowd that is running wild here in Prince William County.

Opinions & Commentary

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

A few weeks ago I had another of my letters to the Local Newspaper “The Potomac News” published.  This letter expressed my lack of sympathy towards one of our most out-spoken racists complaining about being listed in the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a “nativist.”

My letter received a direct letter to the editor rebuttal only two days later.  My follow-up was never published by “The Potomac News,” so I’m publishing it here.

Opinions & Commentary

Reach For The Stars
Reach For The Stars

I’ve written recently about the issues of immigration here and the attitudes of far too many residents in Prince William County.  The attitude can be summed up in the statement “There’re against it.”  At least, they’re against Hispanic immigrants who have the temerity to actually expect to be treated as human beings in exchange for doing a large portion of the manual labor around these parts.

Last night, I was privileged to be among a large group of Hispanic people who respected me, just having a good time celebrating their achievements.

Family Stories

Family Stories

Just For Fun

This And That
This And That

So while I’ve actually posted a few stories this month, there was still a lot happening.  On the last day of the last month of winter, here’s everything else that’s been happening in the Charest household, Virginia edition.

Consider yourself warned if you decide to click through and read more…

Family Stories

Rotary Telephone 1972 Vintage
Rotary Telephone 1972 Vintage

Winnie and I added some new technology to our house this past week. We gained the first landline house telephone we’ve had since moving to Virginia. While this doesn’t sound like that much of an event, it’s gotten me to thinking about the changes in phone technology I’ve seen over the years.

Ron Charest

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Last week I submitted another of my on-going series of Letters to the Editor of our local newspaper “The Potomac News.” This time, I took on a local wing-nut who is key in whipping up anti-immigration hysteria in this area. It seems that after a few years of diligently and successfully working to build his reputation as a local racist, this individual was unhappy about being labeled a “nativist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and local newspapers.

Opinions & Commentary


I’ve been off all week, between jobs, and had the rare pleasure of not having to do anything on anyone else schedule.

It’s been nice.

Family Stories