Author: <span>Ron Charest</span>

Immigration Official
Immigration Official

It’s taken 39 long months, but yesterday it finally happened. Yesterday, Winnie received her letter from the INS (USCIS) welcoming her to America.

Family Stories

Year Of The Pig
Year Of The Pig

Today is Chinese New Year, the main holiday of the year for more than one quarter of the world’s population. This is the start of family gatherings, fireworks, the Reunion dinner, dancing lions, and fifteen days of celebration. In the Chinese zodiac this is the Year of the Pig (or Boar).

So to all the millions of people around the world celebrating today, I wish you 新年快樂 (Xīnnián kuàilè) and 恭喜發財 (Gōngxǐ fācái) !

Follow below to find out what you may expect from people born during the Year of The Pig past, present, and future.

Family Stories

Caution: Snow Ahead!
Caution: Snow Ahead!

It’s been an interesting week here in beautiful northern Virginia.  We had a snow day, delay in closing on buying our house, and a possible closing date on the house we’re trying to sell down in Mississippi.  Valentine’s Day came and went and Chinese New Year, the year of the Pig, is fast approaching.

Family Stories

Helping Hands
Helping Hands

Yesterday afternoon, Saturday, Winnie and I were witness to a relatively minor auto accident. Minor in that no one appeared seriously hurt even though three vehicles were involved. We were one of the first on the scene to actually stop. I did the Good Samaritan bit and helped out until the pros arrived then left.

Not a big deal as these things go, but after some reflection last night I dredged up feelings from an earlier incident.

Family Stories

Flying Mail
Flying Mail

While this may be a few days late, I’ve finally had time to respond to Columnist David Broder’s offensive and idiotic comments in his February 6 column. For those few who missed it, Broder wrote a column about the recent DNC conference where all ten 2008 presidential contenders spoke.

Opinions & Commentary

After Our Wedding, the Long Wait for Winnie’s Visa

This continues the saga of our (Winnie and mine) Internet Romance and Marriage. Falling in love and marrying via Internet proved a lot easier than getting her visa to join me in America.

By the time I left China after our wedding I was about as exhausted, physically and emotionally, as I’d been in many years. The jet lag of a 13 hours time change, the different climate, food, all the constant traveling, never knowing what was going on (due to my lack of language skills), and getting married besides just did me in.

Ron Charest

Just For Fun

Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home

The months of house-hunting are over, and our life in an apartment are coming to a welcomed end. Yesterday, our offer on a house was accepted!

Family Stories

Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home

When we moved to Virginia, we knew we’d need some time to settle in and learn the area. So we opted for renting a small apartment and “camping out” here in the bedroom community of Dale City. I thought we could spend at least six months in the apartment before venturing back into the house buying mode. In reality, after three long months we’re ready to get back into our own home.

And during these months we’ve thoroughly explored the lifestyle of the Urban Pioneer.

Family Stories

Immigration Official
Immigration Official

It’s been more than three years now since I first sent in Winnie’s immigration paperwork. Even though she did gain a visa for entry into the US, after only 20 months, this was just a “temporary” visa, good until her permanent one was approved.

Today, we’ve finally received an appointment for her permanent visa interview.

Family Stories