Author: <span>Ron Charest</span>

Ron Charest makes his first post of the New Year of 2007 wishing everyone a great year to come.

Family Stories

But never admits to any errors…

Commonwealth of Virginia
Commonwealth of Virginia

Winnie received a response from the Virginia DMV today. Even though I wrote the letters of complaint, the third request I made in the 16 December letter was a direct response to Winnie explaining what she needed to do to gain her driver’s license.

The DMV never acknowledged their “Customer Service Representatives” made any errors, yet essentially, the documents they have told Winnie to provide is everything provided on the last three trips. Everything that is, except a letter from the DMV Commissioner.

Opinions & Commentary

Flying Mail
Flying Mail

The National Review Online “The Corner” by my most beloved writer, Jonah Goldberg, arguably the greatest living writer of all time, strikes serious pay dirt with today’s post Save The Polar Bears.

Today’s treat offers his suggestions on solving the prospective threat of a world with no polar bears.

Opinions & Commentary

Christmas Celebrations
Christmas Celebrations

Winnie and I just returned from Christmas at Mom’s house in Burlingham, New York. It was a nice Christmas, and a pleasant but quick trip.

Family Stories

Christmas Celebrations
Christmas Celebrations

Just a short post this Christmas Eve to wish all our many readers (many => more than three) a very Merry Christmas!

And now for the usual caustic commentary you all know and love, 

Family Stories

Commonwealth of Virginia
Commonwealth of Virginia

Incredible as this may sound, I have now written a second letter complaining about the Dale City DMV. This time, I wrote to the Governor of the Commonweath of Virginia.

It seems that, according to the DMV, our marriage is not valid in Virginia.

Family Stories

Commonwealth of Virginia Image
Commonwealth of Virginia

It seems no matter where we live, some things are consistent. One of these is the local DMV, the dreaded faceless bureaucracy that controls our basic auto-driving American way of life.

Family Stories

Happy Thanksgiving turkey image
Happy Thanksgiving

Today is America’s Day to spend just a minute or so reflecting on the many blessing of the past year, and spend another minute or so to pray for blessings to come.

Before Winnie and I head over to Uncle Joe and Aunt Linda’s house for Thanksgiving dinner, I want to reflect on a few personal blessing of the past year.

Family Stories

We’re resettled in northern Virginia now and comfortably settled into my new job. After three months of moving and resettling, I’m finally back in a position to update this website.

The final weeks leaving Mississippi were chaotic, exhausting, and overall not something I’m in a hurry to repeat. It’s been 13 years since I last moved, and all prior moves were with (because of) the kind assistance of the US Navy. So this cross-country move was something “different.”

Ron Charest

Family Stories