Tag: <span>Donald Trump</span>

A torn and tattered american flag set against a gloomy sky.
Our American Day of Shame

So today, the 47th president of the United States of America will be sworn in. This should be a day for celebrating our American tradition of a peaceful transfer of political power from one leader to another. Our peaceful transfer of power that has been the foundational principle of our nation for 233 years.

With one exception. That exception was our last presidential transfer in 2001. During that transfer, the outgoing President launched an autocoup to overturn election results and remain in power, against the will of us voters. That president failed to overturn the results. But he was never held accountable for destroying our legacy of peaceful transfer of power, nor of attempting to overturn the will of us voters.

Today, that man is once again taking power as our president. In any other nation, he would be in jail – or executed. That he is now returning to power is our American day of shame for those of us who still believe in Democracy.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

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Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait
Vice President Kamala Harris, Official Portrait

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

A few years ago, during the depths of our Covid 19 pandemic, I published a post on Republicans being careful what they wished for. That specific post was how, by destroying the moderate left of center politician Hillary Clinton during her Presidential run, Republicans destroyed their own futures.

Now, we once again have a serious case of “careful what you wish for” by the Republican Party. This time, with more burn and Karma on steroids. I’m talking about President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential campaign after Republican operatives, including their friends in our so-called liberal media, have pilloried Biden as being too old to be President.

Republicans are like the dog who just caught a car and don’t know what to do next.

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Trump's Treason with Handcuffs
Trump’s Treason with Handcuffs

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

So this past Saturday during yet another rambling, disjointed, bewildering “speech,” the disgraced twice-impeached two-time loser former pres*dent Donald Trump cried out “If I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.”

To which I reply “Yeah, and with what army?

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row of starched white shirts on hangers. Photo by Pew Nguyen: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-shirts-on-hangers-17315934/
Starched Shirts Ready For Rows of Lawyers

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Yesterday The Former Guy (TFG), former Pres*dent Donald Trump, was indicted on four felony charges for working to overturn the results of the 2020 election. With these latest charges, Trump now has three simultaneous criminal indictments against him. The first in New York City for 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The second in Florida with 40 felony counts against him including charges of retaining classified information, obstructing justice, and making false statements. Another indictment from Georgia, also over Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, is expected very soon.

All these indictments mean Trump will spend all his time going from one courtroom to another. And Trump has endless rows of lawyers lined up behind him, working to keep his sorry ass out of jail.

What a truly sad way to be living.

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Democratic Donkey Kicking Trump's elephant
Goodbye to You!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Yesterday The Former Guy (TFG), former Pres*dent trump, seemed to have made a threat to everyone who doesn’t actually like him. He made this seeming threat through a video posted on his very own media outlet Truth Social. In his video the voiceover intonates “If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.”

So, I’d like to take a few moments and unpack this seeming threat.

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Former One Term Twice Impeached Treasonous Pres*dent Trump
Former One Term Twice Impeached Treasonous Pres*dent Trump

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The more I read and learn about the documents found at trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort/home, the angrier I become. Honestly, words cannot express the depth of my anger and disgust and outrage and repressed fury as these emotions are all rolled into one giant ball of FUCK THIS.

Trump has committed treason on a scope this country has never before witnessed, and he’s still walking around a free man. The fact that he is is not in jail, along with his miscreant family and associates, is a black stain on America and makes a mockery of the life I’ve lived.

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Thundering hooves of disapprobation approaching
Thundering Hooves of Disapprobation

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

As with many people, I’ve been following the January six hearings, and reading the spill of related news. I’m struck by the number of former (Republican) Trump staffers who have voluntarily shown up to testify against Trump. Staffer after staffer have all sat for hours with the committee, revealing grotesque details of his reign of error.

Too many news commentators seem to be claiming that these former staffers are heroes for coming forward now. I don’t see that. I see these former staffers have realized just how deep in the shit they are, and are now running from the thundering hooves of American disapprobation.

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Tearing Down the Walls of Athens
No One Loves Walls

“Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”

Mending Wall – by Robert Frost

Something I’ve been thinking about these past few days is how walls don’t necessarily work out all that well. At least, people always seem to find ways of making walls do things that weren’t planned for.

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Pres*dent Trump
Pres*dent Trump

So a couple of days ago our Pres*dent expressed his knowledge of world geography by referring to all African nations, the Central American nation of El Salvador, and the island nation of Haiti, as “shitholes.” This presumably also referred to the people native to those countries, as trump used his “shithole” comment to prove why those people should not be allowed to emigrant to the United States of America. 

I have something to say about this. 

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Woman in Pink
Woman in Pink

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Yesterday our national nightmare started, and today is the first day for Americans to stand up and let the world know that this is not who we are. I cannot get to the Women’s March on Washington event, so I’m going to have to do what I can to show my support. Consider this simple post on my bit of Cyberspace as my contribution to the cause.

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