Another winter passed, another spring ahead. There’s still snow on the ground and a warning of another snowstorm yet to come. But the birds are returning, the sun feels warmer, and there’s a promise of more warm weather ahead. I think I speak for many people in posting “not a day too soon!”
Tag: <span>Family</span>

I’ve just finished up a whirlwind week-long trip to southern California. This was a business trip, but intermixed with rushing from one location to another and holding day-long meetings I did have the chance to spend a few hours with more family and get in a little R&R. This trip started in San Diego, then moved north to Ventura county and finally a departure from Los Angeles.
Weddings and funerals bring families together. This past week I had the happy experience of seeing a lot of family for the nice reason, the wedding of my youngest niece.
I am a Contractor consultant to Government currently working for Washington Navy Yard clients. My Corporate office is located in one of the “beltway bandit” buildings that line “M” Street SE, just a couple of blocks walking distance from the Navy Yard main gate and my client’s location. Yesterday morning I was at the Yard when America’s most recent mass murder occurred.

Today marks the start of the Chinese New Year, and the sign for this year is the Dragon. Or, to be more precise, the Year of the Water Dragon.

As 2011 quickly passes into history, I have a few moments to reflect back on everything that’s happened these past 12 months. It has actually been a good year for Winnie and me, with lots of potential for an even better year to come.
In honor of another annual Day of Thanks, I thought to muse upon the ghosts of Turkeys Thanksgiving holidays passed. For those loyal readers who make it all the way through my ramblings, there’s a bonus Thanksgiving music video thrown in for fun.

Another year passed, a new year ahead. Another time to sing Auld Lang Syne and celebrate the western world’s marking the start of a new year. All things considering, this is as good a day as any to take a few moments to reflect on the year passed, and what may lie ahead.

Once again we’re wrapping up another month and rapidly moving into the holiday seasons. Thanksgiving Day has come and gone with the last of the turkey leftovers are in today’s lunchtime sandwich. The trees are finally bare of leaves, we’ve cut the grass for the last time this year, and we have next spring’s gardening to look forward to.
It’s just another late autumn day here in Northern Virginia, out on the edge of our nation’s capital.

Well, it’s Halloween night once again. The ghosts and goblins are out and about, mixing in with the little kids going door to door asking for candy. It’s also the end of the month, well into autumn, and the leaves are littering the lawn daring me to rake them up, knowing full well that if I do, there’ll just be more on the ground tomorrow. So far, I’ve resisted the dare.