Charest Family on the Web Posts

Wedding Rings Anniversary
Wedding Rings Anniversary

Today, Winnie and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. If there was ever an eventful marriage, I think it’s been ours. So having survived four years together, we have a lot to celebrate.

Family Stories

American Gothic Home Improvement
American Gothic Home Improvement

Once again, Winnie and I have taken on a small home improvement project. Not content to merely paint out the entire house, plaster and paint the garage, add a microwave range hood and update the kitchen cabinetry, finish off the basement laundry room, and make a small garden, Winnie decided to finish out the basement bath.

To think we only purchased this house eight months ago.

Family Stories

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Last week my newest most favorite “The Potomac News” columnist, Charles Reichley, ran a column defending Rush Limbaugh’s now infamous “Phony Soldiers” comment. Rush “ditto head” Limbaugh annoys me just by sharing the same planet, but his September 26 “Phony Solider” crack really got to me.  I’d already signed Gen Wes Clark’s petition to have Limbaugh’s show pulled from the Military Armed Forces Radio Television Stations (AFRTS) network, and Reichley’s column was one more chance to make my feelings publicity known.

I submitted my LTE Friday morning, and it was published yesterday, Sunday.

Opinions & Commentary

Ron Charest

In October 1999 Robert (Bobby) Garwood moved in next door to me in the quiet town of Gautier, Mississippi. I welcomed and treated him as a friend and fellow veteran. Within two years he destroyed my marriage, smeared me with vile lies, and turned my life upside down. Part I of II

Ron Charest

Two Cars
Two Cars

Winnie and I officially joined the ranks of two-car-owner families again this past Saturday. After a lot of discussion and some new-car shopping, we opted to go with an inexpensive used car. It really came down to just needing something inexpensive for my commuting to the local bus stops, occasionally driving into work, and getting around on weekends when Winnie was at work.

Family Stories

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

Last Week the Liberal activist organization “MoveOn” ran a half-page advertisement in the New York Times against the pending September 11 Iraq report. The report was previously planned to be presented by the U.S. Army General Field Commander, General Petraeus. MoveOn used a clever play-on-words with the General’s name, referring to the General as “Betray Us” to make Their Point. Their Point being that MoveOn was simply asking the General to be honest in his report, not parrot President Bush’s talking points.

This ad has caused an uprising of angst and outrage amongst Conservatives all across these United States of America.

Opinions & Commentary

Flying Mail
Flying Mail

It seems that the producers and staff of CBS Evening News are a bit thin-skinned. Recently, CBS News Reporter Katie Couric recently produced a series of “reports” on Iraq.  CBS has taken a considerable amount of criticism over these pieces ever since.  In fact, they’ve taken to insulting people who criticize their work.

So now, I’ve taken to writing my own letter of criticism over the way CBS news insults people who criticize.  My letter is written to two senior producers at CBS Evening News, Jim McGlinchy ( and Betty Chin (

Opinions & Commentary

Last month Winnie and I undertook an experiment in low-tech commuting by purchasing a moped. Our thought was to use the moped for around-town transportation. It seemed ideally suited for getting me the 2.4 miles to my commuter bus stop each day. It was fuel efficient, low maintenance, and even a lot of fun driving. So, in the nearly one month we experimented with it, it did fine.

However, we ran into a snag. Friday, during the day while it was parked at the commuter lot, someone stole it. So much for our experiment.

Family Stories

…the First Posting of September

This And That
This And That

Frequent readers may have noticed my news posts have been light these past few weeks.  The reason is one that may shock people who read a lot of newspaper columnists and blogs.  The shocking, heart-wrenching God’s-Honest truth as to why I haven’t written much lately is – I haven’t had much to write about.

There, you read it here first.  A writer not writing when there is nothing to write about.

Family Stories