I’d like to extend a big welcome to our newest guest writer and long-time family friend, writing as Alyce Clover!
I’d like to extend a big welcome to our newest guest writer and long-time family friend, writing as Alyce Clover!
Today, Winnie and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. If there was ever an eventful marriage, I think it’s been ours. So having survived four years together, we have a lot to celebrate.
Ron Charest announces a vacation trip to the Northeastern US to visit with family. It would be the first time his wife Weifang would be meeting the family.
Winnie and I had an impromptu fishing trip this Sunday with my Aunt and Uncle who live nearby. We drove up to a Navy recreation center they enjoy going to in Maryland, and despite the rain and cold weather we did end up catching a few nice fish.
It was a long time coming, but this past weekend I finally had the boat out on the water again. It turned into a weekend’s worth of boating actually, as I had “Sea Dreams” out both Saturday and Sunday. Sunday Winnie and one of her friends went with us and we did a bit of fishing.
Ron Charest makes his first post of the New Year of 2007 wishing everyone a great year to come.
Winnie and I just returned from Christmas at Mom’s house in Burlingham, New York. It was a nice Christmas, and a pleasant but quick trip.
Just a short post this Christmas Eve to wish all our many readers (many => more than three) a very Merry Christmas!
And now for the usual caustic commentary you all know and love,
Incredible as this may sound, I have now written a second letter complaining about the Dale City DMV. This time, I wrote to the Governor of the Commonweath of Virginia.
It seems that, according to the DMV, our marriage is not valid in Virginia.
Today is America’s Day to spend just a minute or so reflecting on the many blessing of the past year, and spend another minute or so to pray for blessings to come.
Before Winnie and I head over to Uncle Joe and Aunt Linda’s house for Thanksgiving dinner, I want to reflect on a few personal blessing of the past year.