Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Marketers have not yet been able to make this holiday anything more than a day when we sit down with family and friends to share a meal together and spent just a moment giving thanks for the past year. This will be our second Thanksgiving celebration in Virginia, and the first spent in this home. It’s been a turbulent year again, better than some previous years but worse than others.
Winnie and I do have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I’d like to share them with our many readers.
Telling the Truth – Another Letter to the Editor
Last week my newest most favorite “The Potomac News” columnist, Charles Reichley, ran a column defending Rush Limbaugh’s now infamous “Phony Soldiers” comment. Rush “ditto head” Limbaugh annoys me just by sharing the same planet, but his September 26 “Phony Solider” crack really got to me. I’d already signed Gen Wes Clark’s petition to have Limbaugh’s show pulled from the Military Armed Forces Radio Television Stations (AFRTS) network, and Reichley’s column was one more chance to make my feelings publicity known.
I submitted my LTE Friday morning, and it was published yesterday, Sunday.
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Charles Reichley Letters To The Editor Politics Potomac News