Like my late paternal grandmother, I love unusual names and gardening. I never met Grandma Florence as she died in 1933, twenty-five years before my birth.
Charest Family on the Web Posts

I’d like to extend a big welcome to our newest guest writer and long-time family friend, writing as Alyce Clover!
Move over Dr. Phil! There’s nothing more therapeutic than mindless yardwork on a beautiful spring day.
The exercise from raking leaves, pulling weeds and disposing of the skeletons of last year’s annuals, causes a natural high. The revitalizing visual satisfaction comes after the cleanup when crocus, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and narcissi are revealed. For a moment, all is as it should be.
My final reward is a cup of herb tea with honey on the front porch; feeling content all my hard work got my mind off the world’s troubles, even if only for an hour.
So while I’ve actually posted a few stories this month, there was still a lot happening. On the last day of the last month of winter, here’s everything else that’s been happening in the Charest household, Virginia edition.
Consider yourself warned if you decide to click through and read more…

Winnie and I added some new technology to our house this past week. We gained the first landline house telephone we’ve had since moving to Virginia. While this doesn’t sound like that much of an event, it’s gotten me to thinking about the changes in phone technology I’ve seen over the years.
I’ve been off all week, between jobs, and had the rare pleasure of not having to do anything on anyone else schedule.
It’s been nice.
It’s a moderately cold, very windy day, and Winnie’s at work while I’m home vegetating between jobs. Meaning, I have way too much time to spend playing researching on the Internet.
Among my discoveries, I’ve located this wonderful YouTube video that combines Marxist-Lennism with American Redneck. Really.
Well, today was the last day of my new old job. After a short six weeks on-the-job I literally turned in my badge and went home. I have a week’s break, and then start my new job on March 24.
No Sympathy for Racists
Last week I submitted another of my on-going series of Letters to the Editor of our local newspaper “The Potomac News.” This time, I took on a local wing-nut who is key in whipping up anti-immigration hysteria in this area. It seems that after a few years of diligently and successfully working to build his reputation as a local racist, this individual was unhappy about being labeled a “nativist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center and local newspapers.
Opinions & Commentary
immigration Letters To The Editor LTE Politics Potomac News