Charest Family on the Web Posts

Politics and Voting
Politics and Voting

Now that the Republican Party has settled on their candidate for President, Saint John McCain of Hanoi Hilton, we quickly see the main theme of the Republican campaign; Fear, Fear, and Fear.

Opinions & Commentary

In the Navy


Right after changing jobs, it seems I’ll be once again changing jobs. Yes, It’s completely voluntary – the folks I’m presently working with didn’t get tired of me this quickly. But I do have to admit, this will end up being the shortest I’ve worked at any one place since leaving the Navy.

Family Stories

Be My Valentine Heart
Be My Valentine Heart

So every one out there did remember that today was Valentine’s day?

Just in case, we offer a small YouTube Video on the flip to help…

Just For Fun

Opinions & Commentary

This And That
This And That

It’s been another busy few weeks here in the Charest household (Virginia location). It seems when things get really busy, and I have the most to write about, I’m too busy to actually do any writing.

Consider this a catch-up post on what’s been happening here these past weeks.

Family Stories

Two of My Favorite Cars
Two of My Favorite Cars

A Story About the Vehicles I Have Owned

For better or worse, it seems that the vehicles I’ve owned over the years seem to match the phase of my life. From the time I earned to drive at age 18, I’ve now owned thirteen four-wheeled vehicles of one type or another.

Ron Charest

During times of high stress, like most of the past few weeks, I like to keep perspective on what’s really important. This image is one of my favorites for a lot of reasons, including keeping my perspective.

Just For Fun

Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor

I’ve been posting letters to the editor (LTEs) fairly regularly these past months. Most of the letters end up being published here on my family blog along with background commentary. What I don’t usually publish here, or even comment on, are e-mails I’ve been sending directly to the columnists. Normally, the columnists ignore my e-mails. On two occasions they’ve graced me with nasty replies, which I get the last word in on.

But for the first time ever, several weeks ago a writer actually published my e-mail to him as basis for an extremely mean-spirited and insulting column. The end result was getting my first-ever column published under my byline.

Opinions & Commentary


I haven’t written much these past few weeks. It’s not that this has been a quiet time; It really hasn’t been. Over the holidays we visited with Mom while my brother’s family was also with her in New York. Then they all came down here to Virginia with us. Then they all went back to Mom’s house and we stayed here. Then we started the new year of 2008.

But I haven’t written much just because it’s been a stressful time besides all that. In late December I started to look for a new job.

Family Stories