Images tagged "hawthorne-army-depot-base"

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  1. Ron Charest said:

    Late Comment: As if anyone needed an additional reminder of the bald-faced hypocrisy of elected Republicans; on February 25, 2014, 41 Republican senators voted against allowing a bill that would have expanded medical, educational and other benefits for veterans to move forward. Their claimed reason was that they wanted to include riders on this bill that would increase our chances of going to war with Iran. In other words; finding ways to create more dead and injured troops in yet another vanity war.

    I honestly do not understand how any veteran, or any person who really does respect and support our military, can support the Republican Party. Note to Republicans: If you don’t want to pay our troops, don’t make wars that get them killed!

    March 3, 2014
  2. Pam Charest said:

    Thanks Ron. We had a great time with you and Winnie! You guys are great hosts. We definitely wont let so many years go by between visits from now on. The boat ride was wonderful! Our whole trip was fantastic (except for the hospital stay in Colorado). It was so much fun spending time with the family in Indiana and Tennessee. We have some pretty terrific nieces and nephews (and grand nieces and nephews)!

    August 19, 2014
  3. […] to China, married, then came back home and filed for her spousal visa while she waited in China. The visa process took 20 months and the direct intervention by the office of Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS). It was a brutal, […]

    November 23, 2014
  4. […] result of our first four visits are documented in attachment one (1) with enclosures 1 through 4, letter of complaint to the Commissioner, Virginia DMV, on December 6, 2006. Please note that as of this date, I had not received a response […]

    November 23, 2014
  5. […] present wife, Winnie, entered this country legally as my wife. After an Internet courtship I traveled to China, we married, then I came back home and filed for her spousal visa while she […]

    November 23, 2014
  6. […] protection. People are protesting cops because the cops are killing people, arresting people, and writing citations leading to expensive fines without just cause. These behaviors didn’t start yesterday and every cop on the beat damn […]

    December 31, 2014
  7. […] Winnie packed. She managed to put all the gifts in the medium wheeled duffle bag she used for our European adventure last year, along with some of her clothing. I looked at the number of bottles of fish oil pills, […]

    March 25, 2015
  8. […] basis over an eleven year period for family visits. My more memorable trips were made with the MG Midget  I briefly owned, but ghosts of my frequent commutes are everywhere along the I-5 […]

    March 26, 2015
  9. […] check on me. On top of the many angry “honks” I received from drivers going around me, I had an ugly encounter with a member of the Prince William County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department who actually threatened me with arrest for “blocking […]

    March 27, 2015
  10. […] the school re-opened triggered another bittersweet memory;  I had placed one of my vending machines at this school just two weeks before Katrina, and that vending machine was one of two I never saw […]

    March 30, 2015
  11. […] one that actually offers promise of a future.  We bought a second house and jumped back into home improvement on steroids.  I rebuilt my boat “Sea Dreams.”  Winnie went back to China for a family visit while […]

    March 30, 2015
  12. […] Two weeks after my first backyard Indian Arrowhead find, I found several more.  April is a busy outdoor clean up time for me and it was while weeding in the same area where I found the first, several more were unearthed.  One arrowhead find is no big deal, but finding several in one area means something more was going on in that particular spot.  Possibly some kind of religious ceremony was held in my backyard hundreds to maybe thousands of years ago.  This could explain the earlier chanting heard that I wrote about in a previous story, Indian Arrowhead Spirit. […]

    May 19, 2015
  13. […] morning of September 16, 2013, when a shooter walked into Building 197 and killed twelve people. I was on the Navy Yard at the time, but thankfully not in that building. Afterwards the building was closed to perform approximately […]

    July 3, 2015
  14. […] another small experiment not work out so well this past week. A little smaller scale than trying moped commuting, but still an experiment. This time, we tried keeping goldfish in traditional Chinese […]

    July 8, 2015
  15. […] those posts can be found in my “Katrina Diaries” category. I also wrote an extended story “The Year of Hurricane Katrina” around the one year anniversary that rolled a lot of those posts together and tried to make […]

    August 29, 2015
  16. […] Winnie and I have a considerable amount of experience in home improvement. My expertise goes back to my teen years and I’ve been involved with projects (some of which involved contractors) on each of the five homes I’ve owned. Winnie used to help her uncles pour concrete and lay tile roofs back in China, and has worked with me on all our home improvement projects starting right after hurricane Katrina. […]

    October 31, 2015
  17. docreport said:

    Yikes, trying to comment and somehow ended up in your WordPress control panel. That was weird!

    So anyway, found someone that’s owned a few cars like me,although I have ya beat by around 20 LOL.

    Read most of your R. Garwood story. Geez that sucks.

    January 2, 2016
  18. […] also been busy with my Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certification program. I’m really enjoying the classes for their format and for the chance to meet interesting people […]

    March 14, 2016
  19. […] remember Winnie entering America for the first time in Los Angeles International Airport. After a 20 month struggle, she finally obtained her visa on her first try at the US Consulate in Guangzhou and purchased her […]

    January 29, 2017
  20. […] bunch of stuff again. Our current home improvement project is more of the same. As detailed in a previous story; in January 2016 we embarked on an ambitious home improvement project of replacing all the worn out […]

    April 5, 2017
  21. […] Editor Note: I’ve just posted a newer and more complete edition of a Coronavirus timeline COVID-19 Timeline Project. It provides more complete timeline information and extends past the ending point of this timeline. […]

    May 20, 2020
  22. […] Katrina – Assessing Damages : A Photo Essay of assessing what was left after Hurricane katrina.The Year of Hurricane Katrina : My article on surviving the storm, and the year’s long effort to get back to where we once were.New Oleans Rebukes the President : How New Orleans felt about President Bush after Hurricane Katrina. […]

    June 26, 2020
  23. […] Painless : Written in honor of extreme insanity.The Hammer : Another story about loss and regrets. This and That Pandemic Day One Hundred Eleven : All the news fit to print, and […]

    July 5, 2020
  24. […] Him Die – Really? : Taking on another right-wing talking point.Boats Ships and Subs : A collection of my best photos of boats, ships, and submarines. Who Eats Best? Another Quora […]

    July 13, 2020
  25. […] Down in Virginia : Moving from what I thought would be my forever house in Mississippi to Virginia.This and That Pandemic Day One Hundred Eleven : My thoughts on Pandemic lockdown for one hundred and eleven days.Oregon or Bust! : A business […]

    July 18, 2020
  26. […] Educational Autobiography : A semi-autobiography focused on my efforts of lifetime learning.The Approaching Storm : A YouTube musical interlude. The Corner Office : A view from the office I hope to one day […]

    July 19, 2020
  27. […] home improvement.Welcoming in the Year of the Dog : Welcoming in the Chinese New Year of the Dog.This and That Pandemic Day One Hundred Eleven : Day One Hundred Eleven of staying safer at home during the […]

    July 24, 2020
  28. […] Day To Stand Up : My reflections on the post-inaugural protests against trump.This and That Pandemic Day One Hundred Eleven : One hundred eleven days of staying safer-at-home during a one hundred year pandemic.Level Of […]

    July 28, 2020
  29. […] Edition : Catching up on current family news including our whirlwind trip to Germany and Italy.1976 Alfa Romeo Alfetta 1.6 Four Door Sedan : The history of one of the more exotic cars I’ve […]

    August 2, 2020
  30. Home Again said:

    […] Wandering the United Kingdom : A photo collection of the United Kingdom.A Study of Stonehenge : A special collection of photos of StonehengeSpringtime in Paris : A photo collection of Paris, France. […]

    August 19, 2020
  31. […] Good Deed Goes UnpunishedWhat’s Going On?Eyewitness To […]

    September 11, 2020
  32. […] Weekend Family Visit1977 Chevrolet LUV (Isuzu Luv Series Six) Pickup TruckA Week On The […]

    September 13, 2020
  33. […] up a nice collection of books on submarines, most of which I lost when I was flooded out during Hurricane Katrina. But with the help of my cousin Roger, an avid book collector and used book dealer, I was able to […]

    February 24, 2021
  34. […] more than driven – probably the least amount of driving I’ve done since I purchased my 1977 Chevy Luv almost 44 years ago. The downside to reduced mileage is the battery running dry. At first, the […]

    April 12, 2021
  35. […] become hooked on kayaking this season. She convinced me to bring along our inflatable kayak “Nemo,” a 12.5 foot Sea Eagle 370 so we could use it. I really wasn’t sure we would be able to inflate and launch while at […]

    July 5, 2021
  36. […] our kayaks often this past season. Once Winne was comfortable kayaking on her own she would use our Trophy 126 “Arrau,” and I used one of our Sea Eagle inflatables. My Jeep Cherokee was in the body shop for several weeks as a result of being hit from behind […]

    October 15, 2021
  37. […] Back then, when the Masters of The Universe crashed the world economy, Winnie and I were able to purchase a second house. It was in bad shape, and we spent about one year renovating it. But we turned it into a home we […]

    December 11, 2021
  38. […] Boats Ships and Subs: My photo collection of watercraft of all types.How Many Ships Do We Need? : Challenging a right-wing hack on end-strength of our Navy.Fresh Catch of the Day : A momentous fishing trip to Solomons Island, Maryland.Driving Back From New Orleans : One year after Hurricane Katrina made landfall along the Mississippi Gulf Coast, I drove back to Gautier from New Orleans along Highway 90, through the back roads. […]

    December 31, 2022
  39. […] Sea Dragon is a 2010 Bayliner 175BR sterndrive runabout. Winnie and I purchased this boat new back in July 2010, a few months after I sold my first boat Sea Dreams. The longer we’ve owned this boat, the more we love it. After the excessive work I put into Sea Dreams, for the first several years of owning Sea Dragon I paid professionals to do the maintenance. Gradually, I took over more maintenance myself. Largely because I wasn’t happy with the level of care versus prices I was getting gouged charged. […]

    May 29, 2023
  40. […] Winnie and I purchased this boat new back in July 2010, a few months after I sold my first boat Sea Dreams. The longer we’ve owned this boat, the more we love it. After the excessive work I put into […]

    May 30, 2023
  41. […] own a rental property, a 1950’s vintage home that Winnie and I renovated several years ago. Recently we had to replace the over-the-stove […]

    March 18, 2024
  42. […] Hurricane Katrina : My collection of photos during and after Hurricane Katrina’s landfall, during the year of clean-up. Before The Storm…Hurricane Katrina Report Part I : My blog entry the day prior to Hurricane Katrina’s landfall on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Life would never be the same after.One Year After Katrina : My reflections on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall.Katrina Two Years After : My reflections on the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall. Life is getting better, but different. […]

    March 18, 2024
  43. […] Kind of Boating : Having sold my power boat Sea Dreams, I move into a new type of watersports.Kayak Adventures : A photo gallery of kayaking […]

    March 18, 2024
  44. […] in the Hudson Valley area of upstate New York. I left on a Friday morning driving my venerable 2004 Rodeo, and arrived late afternoon. I spent Saturday performing the odd jobs which was the reason for […]

    March 20, 2024
  45. […] of our new home is a too-small driveway for both the boat and our RV. So, we’ve opted to keep Sea Dragon stored at a local marina. I think this will work out ok as I’m getting tired of towing the […]

    May 1, 2024
  46. […] for closing, which focused our planning on what to haul down for that trip. It made sense that our boat and hardshell kayaks would be part of this first trip. We also made an advance three-day scouting […]

    July 12, 2024
  47. […] which focused our planning on what to haul down for that trip. It made sense that our boat and hardshell kayaks would be part of this first trip. We also made an advance three-day scouting trip to locate a […]

    July 13, 2024

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